Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Comes to an End

I must say that 2007 has been quite a year for me. For the first time in my six years, I've gone to "puppy prison" a few times...I graduated from school (though I didn't really need to go; I already know everything - just ask me!)...and I've successfully managed once again to hold off the humans from bringing in any little critters to the house (though I am looking forward to the "magic chair" that Norm has).

All in all, it's been good. December has been so busy that I haven't had much time to stop and write. The tall one was on TV again, so he thinks he's pretty cool. I don't know what the big deal is, but I'll post this pic to humor him...

Christmas was good, as usual. Here's a pic of me guarding the presents under the tree one night. Just as it was being snapped, I was distracted by a noise I heard outside, but my awesome growling scared them off.

The short one also interrupted me with the camera while I was enjoying my presents. I don't get any privacy around here!

Speaking of me being awesome...I have a great story to tell. During the big snow a few weeks ago, the tall one let me outside to scope things out. As soon as he opened the door, I detected a squirrel scent in the air. I jetted out into the yard and stomped on the snow-drunken squirrel but had to stop suddenly when the tall one yelled my name. Just as I turned around to see what the heck he wanted and why he was bothering me during this important task, the fat squirrel scurried out from underneath me. I was so close! Stupid humans. We could have shared a tasty meal together, but he had to go and ruin it.

Here's a picture of me when we went out to hunt --- I mean play --- in the snow. The dangerous beasts in the yard next to my house came out to try and eat the owners. I put out the vibe and scared them off...

Then I took the owner around the block for a walk...

I had to show him how to do everything, he didn't even know how to shovel a driveway.

Then I stomped the owner, reminding him once again who really leads this pack...

After a good "owner stomping", this is what I look like.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's my birthday...

Today is my birthday and I couldn't be more worn out. I haven't blogged in a long time because I have simply just been too busy. I'm six years old now and am proud to say that I've been able to keep up with these crazy humans; especially the tall one. I've been running a lot with him lately and just when he thinks he's "broken" me...I recover within a few minutes of returning home. I am awesome. He's doing some sort of adventure race again this weekend, but it looks like I've been snubbed again and will have to stay home. Hopefully he won't twist his ankle this year like he did last year. That really puts a damper on my training.

So, I was pretty stoked last weekend when we took a trip to Norm's house to watch the Mizzou - KU game. Norm mentioned that I stuck by the door for most of the night, but it had nothing to do with lack of interest in the game. I was merely trying to protect the people from any KU fans that might have tried to come through the door. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the game this weekend. My favorite part of last weekend's game was this:

On another glorious note, I totally rock the Guitar Hero. Norms people came over the night before Thanksgiving and the tall one's brother, etc. came over last Sunday. Both sets of humans brought GH and I rocked the house. Here's a pic I snapped of myself while I allowed the short one to have a turn:

In closing, I've heard that I have a new friend...although I haven't met him, so I don't know if I like him yet. His name is Cooker and he lives in Tennessee...wherever that is. The short one has a picture of him and talks about how cute he is. Being a male dog...I wouldn't say he's "cute"...but he is just a pup so I guess it's okay to admit it. I'm hoping he'll start a blog soon...

Monday, October 29, 2007


I am awesome.

Without even trying, I convinced the humans to go camping on Saturday with my cousin Fred. I'll was cold...but we still had a good time. We got to go for a hike on Saturday through the woods, which was pretty cool. Not quite as cool as our usual hikes, but that's okay -- I thought I'd take it easy on them for once. Here are a few pics I took:

Meeting the Natives...

The tall one has his head in the clouds...

Fred enjoying his morning coffee...

The short one thinks I'm really cute...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stupid Weather & Wimpy Humans

I'm not sure which is worse...stupid weather or wimpy humans. It appears that my dreams have again been destroyed. The weatherman is predicting 70% chance of rain tomorrow night and a low of 36 degrees on Saturday night. I would be just fine in either circumstance, especially if/when I push the tall one off of his bed and curl up in his covers. The wimpy humans, on the other hand, are not so keen on either of these situations. Geez...what's a dog to do?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Great Outdoors

SWEET! I smell another camping trip in the midst.

A couple weekends ago, I took the tall and short one camping with Norm's people, Chris, and Kristin who rides bikes with the tall one. I proudly strutted my stuff around the campsite, knowing that they had complete trust in me. I'm not sure why they would be concerned though...there's no good reason for me to go run off since they have so many great things to eat. Besides, I had to make sure I stuck around to protect them, since they dumbly just sat around a fire and talked -- completely oblivious to any of their surroundings and creatures in the woods. Occasionally, I got up to check things out and since I'm so dark and stealthy, they couldn't find me. I think I'm going to have to get a light to wear so they don't worry.

I've heard that we'll be camping again this weekend with Matt, Kennedy & Cade. Should be fun; I've never camped with kids before. It's a good thing the short one bought a new ginormous tent because we should all be able to share it. I may have to use the pet den this time though...unless I just push the tall one off of his bed. Hmm, that's something I'll have to consider...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fit and Trim

We've been running more and more and I'm happy to report that I'm feeling much more fit and trim. The paws have toughened up a bit and I can keep up with the tall one with ease now. He started doing something when I take him running recently. Instead of holding onto his leash, he tucked it in the side of his shorts. This is nice because it doesn't bounce as much and annoy me, but I was pretty impressed. He stays right by my side and doesn't ever pull on the leash at all. He gets smarter all the time.

Tonight I gave his knees and ankles a break and had him to ride his bike. It was getting dark and rainy when he got home so he rode on the trainer in the basement under my watchful eye...

Monday, October 1, 2007

My Dogs are Barkin'

This sudden burst of exercise we've been doing the past few days has finally started to catch up with me. We got home from the park tonight and the tall one FINALLY realized that my poor paws were getting pretty torn up from all of the running. I had tried to tell him about it by lagging behind, but I guess he just doesn't understand my hints. (The short one says she has the same problem with him.) Anyway, I found this stuff online and I think it may really help me. I'm going to send them to buy it tomorrow night when they go to the store to get the short one fitted for some new shoes.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Sudden Case of Exercise

The tall one signed up for a half marathon next spring and he's asked me to coach him through his training. We've gone out for runs a couple time at the local park and I think he's running way too fast. Last spring we did the St. Patrick's Day 5 mile run and I was happy with that time, but I've had way too many treats since then. Also, all I do is lay around all day because the tall and short one leave me locked in the house. We'll be training a lot in the coming months and the owner is looking into getting an HRM that actually works, but this one has GPS too.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What the heck?!

I don't know what the heck is going on around here, but there are so many things that are just NOT COOL.

First of all, I've had to sit at home all day today, being completely tormented and forced to use some serious self-control because the two crock pots were going in the kitchen with roasts in them. (That's right..."roasts"...not just one...but TWO.) I had hoped that the second one was all for me, but the short one came home from work and took one of them with her. When she got back she was empty handed, so I'm not sure what she did with it. I hope she didn't sneak off and eat it all by herself! (That's what I would have done.) I think I'll whine and look longingly at them while they eat dinner tonight...

I have also heard them talking about going away for the weekend and sending me to that kennel place again. Apparently, I'm trying a new place this time...but I haven't yet decided if I'm going to be agreeable or if I'm going to have a bad attitude about it like I did last time. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

On another note, I'm hoping for a camping trip pretty soon. The weather seems to be changing, which is always a good sign for busting out the tent! I've never gone with the short one before, so it should be interesting. I'll probably try to play the role of the "victim" with her around, so I get lots of pity and attention. (It's a role that I pride myself on for mastering. What can I gets me treats.)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I just remembered something GLORIOUS that I almost forgot to write about. The tall one was working in the garage tonight and I snuck out when the short one went to put something in the car. They had no idea I was out there, so I skillfully hid on the side of the house.

Since I pride myself in ignoring them when they are at home to show them my disgust for leaving me all day long, they didn't really notice that I wasn't around. About an hour and a half later, I had enough of the heat and was satisfied with how many things I had sniffed, so I decided to bark at the front door. Imagine the looks on their faces when they opened the door to find was AWESOME! I wish I had brought the camera with me. I finally understand why you jump the fence, Norm! It's so liberating.

Back to my roots...

It's been a long time since my last post. The owners have been keeping me busy, getting ready for this thing they keep calling "adoption". (I don't really know what it's all about, but I hope we're getting a pet.)

All of this reminiscing has made me feel like I need to show you one of the first pictures that was taken of me. (You will see that I helped to make this pose famous.) It's so hard to believe that a strong dog like me used to be that small, but I sure was cute!

So back to this adoption thing. I'm starting to get a little concerned about it, to be quite honest. The owners have been moving stuff around in the house and cleaning out rooms. My friend Norm was telling me about how he remembers when this started to happen in house. The result? That small thing that cries and tries to grab his tags. I'm pretty sure they call her Lily.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Death Ride?

I sniffed this out among the contents of the tall one's travel bags. I believe it indicates that he endured five great trials and prevailed triumphantly.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

They did it again...

Well, the humans have done it again. They left me and went on a trip, but at least I got to stay home this time with the short blonde girl that used to live here. It's much better than going to that stupid kennel again! I mean, seriously, how would you like it if you were kept in a cage all day? Geez.

They got home in the middle of my peaceful slumber early this morning. When I was startled awake by the garage door, I checked the clock and it was around 1:45am. How irresponsible! They said something about being on "California time" still (whatever that is), so they didn't turn off the light until nearly 3am. I'm getting too old for these shenanigans. A dog needs his rest, you know.

I've tried to sneak a peak here and there of their pics and found one in particular that interested me:
Apparently, the tall one tried to make friends with this critter while they were visiting a place called Emerald Bay. (I would have chased it away to protect the short one from getting eaten by this ferocious beast.)

I keep hearing talk about them hiking. I can't imagine that they would have left me home while they dumbly tried to navigate their way through the trails without me, but I get the feeling they did. I think this is a pic of a nearby ski run.

By the way out...I overheard that your people brought up a ski trip for next year. Looks like we're getting ditched again. One of these days, I'm going to figure out how to have some fun without them for once.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Le Tour de France #1

It seems the Tour de France has begun. This is now all I ever see on the TV. That's cool with me, but it's more interesting when they hit the Alps and Pyrenees. I was pretty excited to see Fabian Cancellara win yesterday in the prologue, he rocks.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Norm's House

The owners tricked me and took me to Norm's house the other night. It's been a while since we've visited, but young Norm was still up to his same old antics (sniffing me, "pawing" me, etc.)...even though he was still on sedatives from his trip to the vet earlier that day.

It wasn't all bad though. We eventually remembered to just stay away from each other, but were in complete agreement when the humans busted out the "tasty treats".

Here's a picture I snapped of Norm, caught in the action of his sampling spree. (Well done, I say.)

Monday, June 25, 2007

Theken Nel

Well, so much for my nice, relaxing weekend I had hoped for. I pictured myself enjoying an elevated bed, with nice pictures on the wall and maybe a TV in the corner, playing dog movies. Turns out that I didn't experience that at all.

I hung out a bit the first day, unsure of what was happening to me. By the second day, I'd had enough and chose to back myself into my corner and growl at the man that tried to come in and pet me.

I'm still not sure what this place was that the short one brought me to, but it was more like a prison than an enjoyable experience. I was so glad to see her when she picked me up today that I jumped and yelped and wrapped my paws around her leg for a second. She thought it was cute, but I was just trying to convince her to take me with her, so I played every card I could think of. I ended up with a bath before the night was over, but that's okay...I know I tend to stink when I get nervous (especially my feet).

Monday, June 18, 2007

Graduation Day

The owners graduated tonight. They made me wear the hat, which was a little odd, but I just went with it since there was a treat involved. I even smiled for the camera; not just any dog can do that.

I heard rumors that I may be rewarded for my excellent graduation by a weekend pampering trip to a sweet place called Theken Nel. I'm not sure what it's all about, but it sounds relaxing.

The short one went on a long walk last weekend. She didn't bring me because they didn't want any pets (how uncivilized!)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Canine University Day 6 and 7

I didn't learn anything new to teach the humans this week. We went to Ted Drewes after class last week though!

(That's not me, my brain would never fit inside that small cup)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Canine University Day 4 and 5, etc.

Because of Memorial Day we covered two weeks worth of material in just one action-packed evening. We did a lot of walking around cones, stopping, and restarting. Whoopdy-freakin'-do... I chose not to comply with the short one. I'm not really sure why, it just felt right. They've got me doing a new thing, it's quite liberating actually. They are telling me to stand, instead of just sitting and lying down. This is interesting because it pretty much goes against everything they've ever taught me, but I really love treats, so I'll do whatever. I was also able to express my disgust for any type of dog bedding. I refused to lie down on a big, smelly, hairy dog pillow. I'll lie on the cold, hard concrete thank you very much.

Now I'll share with you some other things we've done lately...

There was a baby Robin that jumped the nest last week. I got a great picture of it, choosing not to eat it, but to let it thrive in the wilderness of our backyard.

On Monday, we loaded up the car and I moped a bit at first since I thought they were either taking me to the vet or class (since that's the only place they take me these days)...

To my surprise, we turned toward Castlewood Park (among my favorites). Eventually I figured out that we would see some really great views and take in a little Meramec River goodness.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Canine University Day 3 & Stuff

Both humans left together this morning, which is unusual, but when the short one came home after work, the tall one was nowhere to be seen. Not cool. Shorty is watching the baseball game right now and commented how lucky the tall one is to see such a great game...I heard her say the Cardinals are beating the Dodgers, 8-1, in the bottom of the 6th. I'm not sure what that all means, but I'm pretty sure it's good, and I'm pretty sure the tall one must be at the game. Man, I wish he'd just come home!

Anyway, back to my night at school. I figured I'd better take advantage of the short one since the tall one is M.I.A. tonight. They kept trying to get me to do a bunch of stuff I already knew, so I chose to be severely distracted and distant, choosing only to "sit" when I darn well felt like it. I played the pity card numerous times and anxiously looked toward the door, as if to imply that I was looking for Tall Boy. The teacher fell for it every time and excused my unruly behavior. She even laughed a few times. Humans are awesome! They're so gullible.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Canine University Day 2

First off, I'm a chick magnet...

I took the owners to Qdoba, a mexican Subway, and while the short one was inside ordering the food, I took the tall one for a walk along the strip mall. Whilst strolling, two chicks stopped me and demanded that they be allowed a thorough petting. This was alright by me, but the tall one kept ruining the whole thing by reminding these hotties that the short one was inside getting the food... so much for that.

School was boring, basically an extension of what I taught them last week. I made sure to run to the correct person each time I told them to call me. We did some "heel" commands, where I stop the walkee and restart them a couple times, with a turn thrown in for good measure.

I also met a new dog friend (sort of). His name is Buster, and he is a Hurricane Katrina dog. He's a little mixed up, for two reasons:
  1. He doesn't really know for sure what breed he is. He's got Cattle Dog spots on his back, but he looks like Norm in the face (which is it buddy?)
  2. He thinks it's OK to sniff me.
More later...

Monday, April 30, 2007

Canine University Day 1

I took the owners to school this evening. It was a strange affair, I did a lot of sitting, lying around, and nervous whimpering. The teacher lady took me away from the short one and used me as an example to show the other dogs how to sit. I did that with little effort, then, when she wanted me to run to get a treat from her, I ran back to the short one. The teacher lady tried to give me one of her nasty liver treats, but I spit it out.

Later in the class, the short one had me sit on one end of the class, then she walked to the other end. I waited patiently, then when she called me I ran back to the tall one. They seemed a little frustrated, but I knew the tall one had the treat stash, so who's the dumb one now, eh?

My last trick that I worked on with the owners was the "wait" "command". I had the tall one walk me to the door, then I had him tell me to "wait" --- as in a short "stay". He walked a few steps away, and when he called me, I took one look at him and ran the opposite way to the short one (I could still smell treat dust on her hands)

Just to show off, I did the whole "balance the treat on my nose" trick a few times (see earlier blog entry "I rock the Google Video".

All in all, I think the owners will learn to treat me with more respect and see just how majestic and great a dog I really am after this semester is over...

Sunday, April 29, 2007

doom Doom DOOM!

Last Tuesday morning I jumped in the car with the alpha male for what I thought was a really fun walk at the park. Maybe even a jog, who knows... Well was I surprised when he dropped me off at that place of sharp torture needles and white lab coats. Yeah, you heard it, he dropped me off! He didn't stay with me as they made me very sleepy for a while. When I woke up, my foot and teeth hurt something aweful. I felt around in my mouth with my tongue and noticed that I was missing one of my big teeth! Dang, they stole it. I tried to let the big dope know when he picked me up, but I was too sleepy, and he kept thinking that my futile notions were warning him that Timmy had fallen into the old well.

I snapped this picture as proof of the theft of my big molar tooth.

More bad news... today, the big oaf took me to the place where they buy me food and treats (something about pets like me being really smart). I'm thinking that he enrolled me in some sort of school. I'm hoping that I don't flunk out like my friend Norm.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Warning: Do not read this post if you have not yet watched Americal Idol from last night...

I love this great country that we live in, and I am so glad that Idol fans have finally gotten a clue. Adios, Sanjaya!

Life is good.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm Just Glad She Didn't Hit the House

Here's a picture of me checking out the scene of the crime. She (the short one) thought it was so funny, ha ha, but it could have been me sitting back there, patiently waiting for her to come home from work. It's a good thing she heard the noise of the bush hitting the car or else she'd have gone right into the garage...

Here's some more pictoral evidence:

Also, the tall one went on a camping trip (WITHOUT ME --- GOSH!) and lost the digital camera. I had them run out and get me a new one last night. They came back with this tiny Canon SD1000. Nice features, but it's really tough to use all of the small controls with my massive paws.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The last straw...

I've had enough and just cannot take anymore. This hairdo is the last straw...

I mean, is this guy really serious?! From now on, I'm voting for everyone on Idol...EXCEPT for him...whether I like them or not. Please join me so we can all go back to voting for people who are worthy.


I just wanted to give a shout-out to my...uhh...human cousin Gabe and his big sister Emma. The short one left me at home again the other night and must have seen their mom...uhh...I human aunt. (Not that I even have canine aunts...) Anyway, when she got home that night she told me that they enjoy reading my blog every week, so I felt the need to give props to my peeps. "What up", Gabe and Emma! Gosh, I sure do miss them. I wish they would come spend the night at my house again sometime...

Monday, March 19, 2007


I woke up this morning to find the short one still in bed after the tall one left for work. I was glad to have the company and was beside myself when she grabbed my leash and called me to come with her for a ride in the car. As we sped down the highway, the scents I took in as I stuck my head out the window were intoxicating. I was in dog heaven...until we arrived at our destination.

I smelled the fear of the other dogs as we got off the highway and pulled into the vet's parking lot. I whined and moaned as we waited, but she didn't seem to be able to interpret my cries this time. As she led me to the scale, I decided to be a willing participant this time and actually sat down and didn't move when she told me to. (I'm proud to say that my dieting and exercise have worked...I'm down to a healthy 65 pounds now.)

I tried to walk back to the door to leave, but instead, we did the dreaded walk down the hall of doom and she led me into a little room. I had a new doctor this time, but I think I liked her. She looked at my eyes, ears and paws. I even let her look at my teeth, but only because she was petting me the whole time. At one point, I even rolled onto my back to allow her to scratch my belly. (I have no shame. I'll take any attention I can get.) She tried to clean my front leg to draw some blood, but like the tall one, I said "I'll have none of that" and I bared my teeth at her. The nurse left and came back with a muzzle. I've never encountered one of these before, but I guess you could say it was strangely soothing to me because I did not even flinch when they drew blood and gave me my other two shots in the rear. They removed the muzzle and I was sure to let them know how happy I was about it and wagged my tail, scurrying around the room.

I was relieved when we were able to leave after that, but I heard her talking to them about bringing me back in a few weeks for a new shot I'm getting. (The vet said they have had two recent cases of it.) Crap. Here we go again...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patty's Day Run

Today we woke up early and headed down to the big city and big crowds to run in the St. Patrick's Day 5 mile run. On the drive there I was forced to ride in the back of the miniSUV (stupid ugly vehicle), where I had to sit in the very back for a half an hour with NO wind in my face. Just because I hated it I whined the entire time. They tried to appease me, but I didn't give in.

Once we got to the big city, I stopped whining because I had thousands of people to sniff and lots of things to listen to and see. At one point, a black and white smelly, noisy bike rode by and screamed at me, it was so loud that I cowered at my owners sneakers. Geeze...

After whining some more, there were some shots fired (I didn't know hunting was allowed in the big city, by the way) and we started off. We deeked, we darted, we sprinted, we practically walked for the first mile as the owner tried to keep up with his friends. At the first mile I heard my owner yell something about "9 minutes" in disgust. Then we took off.

We ran at about a 7:30 minute pace for the next 4 miles, not too bad. I had my own fans, people lining the streets were yelling, "GO DOG!" as I proudly trotted by.

The owner was tired but pleased when crossed the finish line at 39 minutes. He petted me and praised me in a patronizing fashion, but we both know the truth; I pulled his rear around the streets of the big city.

You can't see the owner and me in this picture because we just flew by this slow poke...

Monday, March 12, 2007

An adventure I did NOT ask for!

This afternoon, I was sitting in my house, peacefully minding my own business when the short one got home from work. Much to my surprise, the tall one arrived right after her. (That should have been my first clue.) They bust out my new collar and leash and we hop in the car. ...SWEET! We're going to the park!

We drive through the neighborhood and I can just smell it getting closer and closer. It's time to make one last turn before getting to the park when the tall one goes THE OTHER DIRECTION. ...Oh, no. Where the heck are we going?!

He parked the car in front of PetSmart, but at this point, I'm a little confused since we were just there yesterday and bought stuff. I chose to constantly whine to show my frustration. They brought me inside and we started looking at a pen full of dogs and their owners with some lady telling the humans what to do. ...Oh, crap. I think they're taking me to school.

I was so relieved when we finally left and did not enter into the pen of doom. They keep talking about it though, so I need to figure out a way to change their minds. Let me know if you have any suggestions...

Monday, March 5, 2007

Under the Weather

The owners have been feeling a bit under the weather for the past couple of weeks and to tell you the truth, I'm really getting tired of it. Not only have they neglected to give me the proper attention that I deserve, but they have the nerve to disappear on me and not spend any quality time with me. I've resorted to my typical solution to this problem. To let them know I've "had enough", while they are not home, I get into things that I should not be getting into...mainly pulling paper towels or tissues out of the trash can and getting into food that is not necessarily for me. Once I start that, it's like magic! They suddenly start to give me attention again. It's a little game I like to play with them, just to make sure that I have them neatly wrapped around my little...uhh...paw.

Speaking of paws...I need to vent a little bit. The tall one decided that my nails were getting too long and it was time to clip them. Not even a day later, he also decided that my smell (that I have worked so hard to skillfully obtain) was "repulsive" and tricked me into a bath after a glorious run in the park. Jerk.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tour of California

I've been watching the AMGEN Tour of California for the last few days. I'm the only canine in the country that's intereseted in cycling. These guys are riding significantly faster than the owner typically rides, but that's a good thing because I'm usually running along-side.

Levi is currently leading the race. I'm not a huge fan, I think he often folds under pressure, but he's American, like me, and he rides for Team Discovery, like me.

Below is a picture of Ivan Basso, he rocks.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

White stuff...again?!

As I look through my previous posts, I've come to realize that we have had more white stuff this winter than I have ever seen in one season in my entire life. I should know; I've been around for 5 years, you know. I'm officially older than my owners (in human years) now, but they're not very good at respecting their elders when it comes to me. Sure, they patronize me by telling me I'm a "good boy" now and then, but seriously...are these childish games really necessary? I try to look at them with my most esteemed look when they pet me, but all they do is laugh. What does a dog have to do to get some respect around here?!

The tall one hasn't been around much lately and it's kind of weirding me out, to tell you the truth. The short one seems to expect it, which is strange as well. She's not normally this easy going when he is at work this much. He came home a little earlier tonight and I found him messing around with the white stuff outside. It's nice to see him relax a bit every now and then. I think I'll take him around the block for a walk later on.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

It's been a long time...

It's been a long time since my last post, but it seems if I have nothing to write about. Can dogs have writers block too? Well...I took the owners on a long, hilly hike on Saturday. We hiked past the place where the tall one sprained his ankle and I could smell his agony as I passed by. He didn't seem to notice it much though. It was nice to finally get out of the house, as it doesn't happen very often anymore since it has been so cold outside. (It is currently 16 degrees, but it feels like 2 degrees, I hear.)

The tall one spent the whole day outside on Sunday. I'm not really sure what he was doing, but he was making a lot of noise. I looked outside and was able to snap this picture. (Unfortunately, I wasn't able to catch him in any of his "lumberjack garb".) My friends who live across the street, Budda and Mini, have piles that are just as big out in front of their houses as well. I don't understand why they are putting these tasty branches out there when they could be saving them for me to chew on later this spring. Don't they know that someone might steal them?! Humans are so careless sometimes.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

God Bless America

I proudly display a flag in front of my home. It was frozen stiff here, dang frozen stuff storms.

The tall biped had to get up on the roof and cut this one down. He demonstrated excellent dexterity and chainsaw skill, it was a proud moment for me. The roof was still a little icy, so he had to be quite cautious. As he worked, limbs dangerously cracked and shattered to the ground around him, but he did not fail us.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Humans...I just don't understand them!

I have officially spent the past 24 hours in cold darkness. I don't really understand what my owners are doing or why it has to be so cold in the house, but they must have decided that they had enough because the lights are back on and it's finally starting to warm up. They wore hats on their heads to keep themselves warm, but I was left to let my poor ears freeze. Jerks.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Complete Betrayal & Stuff

I was appalled at the complete betrayal that I faced when the owners came home late last night. Not only did they smell of tasty goodness, but they also smelled of Norm. It's bad enough that they leave me at home, but to be with another just hurts. I think it probably has something to do with this thing they call "Lily". I'm not really sure what this "Lily" thing is all about, because I have not been properly introduced, but my short owner likes to talk about it being cute.

On another note, the white stuff from a month ago has not come, but boy is it shiny outside. The lights and tv keep turning off and on, and every time, the owners groan. I'm not really sure what it's all about, but they seem irritated by it. I don't know why it's a big deal...I sit in the dark all day!

Here's a picture that I snapped this morning of a limb hanging right outside the front door. If only I could chew on it somehow...tasty frozen treat!

These berries look good too...