Monday, June 25, 2007

Theken Nel

Well, so much for my nice, relaxing weekend I had hoped for. I pictured myself enjoying an elevated bed, with nice pictures on the wall and maybe a TV in the corner, playing dog movies. Turns out that I didn't experience that at all.

I hung out a bit the first day, unsure of what was happening to me. By the second day, I'd had enough and chose to back myself into my corner and growl at the man that tried to come in and pet me.

I'm still not sure what this place was that the short one brought me to, but it was more like a prison than an enjoyable experience. I was so glad to see her when she picked me up today that I jumped and yelped and wrapped my paws around her leg for a second. She thought it was cute, but I was just trying to convince her to take me with her, so I played every card I could think of. I ended up with a bath before the night was over, but that's okay...I know I tend to stink when I get nervous (especially my feet).

Monday, June 18, 2007

Graduation Day

The owners graduated tonight. They made me wear the hat, which was a little odd, but I just went with it since there was a treat involved. I even smiled for the camera; not just any dog can do that.

I heard rumors that I may be rewarded for my excellent graduation by a weekend pampering trip to a sweet place called Theken Nel. I'm not sure what it's all about, but it sounds relaxing.

The short one went on a long walk last weekend. She didn't bring me because they didn't want any pets (how uncivilized!)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Canine University Day 6 and 7

I didn't learn anything new to teach the humans this week. We went to Ted Drewes after class last week though!

(That's not me, my brain would never fit inside that small cup)