Sunday, April 29, 2007

doom Doom DOOM!

Last Tuesday morning I jumped in the car with the alpha male for what I thought was a really fun walk at the park. Maybe even a jog, who knows... Well was I surprised when he dropped me off at that place of sharp torture needles and white lab coats. Yeah, you heard it, he dropped me off! He didn't stay with me as they made me very sleepy for a while. When I woke up, my foot and teeth hurt something aweful. I felt around in my mouth with my tongue and noticed that I was missing one of my big teeth! Dang, they stole it. I tried to let the big dope know when he picked me up, but I was too sleepy, and he kept thinking that my futile notions were warning him that Timmy had fallen into the old well.

I snapped this picture as proof of the theft of my big molar tooth.

More bad news... today, the big oaf took me to the place where they buy me food and treats (something about pets like me being really smart). I'm thinking that he enrolled me in some sort of school. I'm hoping that I don't flunk out like my friend Norm.


Fred said...

Same thing happened to me Bailey! Watch out...your people may start to try to brush your remaining teeth. Mine use this chicken flavored paste, and I like it, but I still put up a heck of a fight.

fuzzy said...

Norm flunked out of school? He always told me that he was in the top of his class -- that no one was better than he.

hmmm. If Norm would lie on his resume, what else has he been lying about.

I bet he can't even jump that gate he brags about.

Norm said...

Bailey, how many times do I have to tell you? I did not flunk out of school. I received a certificate of participation!