Tuesday, December 5, 2006

I Rock the Google Video

I am totally awesome. A long time ago, my owners started putting treats on my extra dogly snout and leaving them there, telling me to "stay" while it sits there, resting in it's perfectly delectable, delicious, tasty state. I play their games. I wait patiently, not moving while they point at me and tell their human friends how "good" I am... geeze... Sometimes I throw a good bit of drool into the mix so they think I'm really suffering, whatever. When he says "get it", it's my cue. Sweet tasty treat, welcome home!

[I received a comment from Norm on this post. He wonders who "holds the leash" in my household. I like to run the show by allowing my owners to think they are in charge. This way my underlings don't lash out at me and lock me in little cages all day, eh hem... it's been a long time since I've been locked up in a little cage.]

1 comment:

Norm said...

Who has the upper paw in your house? I do not perform for my people. It is so degrading. I can't believe you let them tell you what to do. If you want a treat, just go take one.