Friday, December 29, 2006

I Love to Bark

I love to bark. I don't need a specific reason; I just love to bark. I bark at cars driving by, I bark at my neighbors. I bark at people walking down the street and I bark at random noises that don't effect me at all. I bark at the neighbors dogs and I bark at squirrels and birds in my back yard. I bark to alert the empty house when my owners come home and I bark when I'm frustrated by the treats stuck in my kong or bone. Sometimes, I even bark when I'm dreaming.

I can't determine if the owners like it when I bark or if they're correcting me, because every time I do it, they just say my name in "that tone". I think they're encouraging me to continue, so I do. I wouldn't want to disappoint them.

1 comment:

Norm said...

I like to preserve my voice for occasions that really matter. Sometimes those nasty, foul cats sneak into my yard. I have to scare them off with my barks.