Monday, July 2, 2007

Norm's House

The owners tricked me and took me to Norm's house the other night. It's been a while since we've visited, but young Norm was still up to his same old antics (sniffing me, "pawing" me, etc.)...even though he was still on sedatives from his trip to the vet earlier that day.

It wasn't all bad though. We eventually remembered to just stay away from each other, but were in complete agreement when the humans busted out the "tasty treats".

Here's a picture I snapped of Norm, caught in the action of his sampling spree. (Well done, I say.)

1 comment:

Norm said...

Notice the bowl of mouse traps on the table. My people think that these keep me off the couch when they put them out. Little do they know...

Come over anytime, Bailey. I have a lot of fun following you around.