Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patty's Day Run

Today we woke up early and headed down to the big city and big crowds to run in the St. Patrick's Day 5 mile run. On the drive there I was forced to ride in the back of the miniSUV (stupid ugly vehicle), where I had to sit in the very back for a half an hour with NO wind in my face. Just because I hated it I whined the entire time. They tried to appease me, but I didn't give in.

Once we got to the big city, I stopped whining because I had thousands of people to sniff and lots of things to listen to and see. At one point, a black and white smelly, noisy bike rode by and screamed at me, it was so loud that I cowered at my owners sneakers. Geeze...

After whining some more, there were some shots fired (I didn't know hunting was allowed in the big city, by the way) and we started off. We deeked, we darted, we sprinted, we practically walked for the first mile as the owner tried to keep up with his friends. At the first mile I heard my owner yell something about "9 minutes" in disgust. Then we took off.

We ran at about a 7:30 minute pace for the next 4 miles, not too bad. I had my own fans, people lining the streets were yelling, "GO DOG!" as I proudly trotted by.

The owner was tired but pleased when crossed the finish line at 39 minutes. He petted me and praised me in a patronizing fashion, but we both know the truth; I pulled his rear around the streets of the big city.

You can't see the owner and me in this picture because we just flew by this slow poke...

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