Monday, March 12, 2007

An adventure I did NOT ask for!

This afternoon, I was sitting in my house, peacefully minding my own business when the short one got home from work. Much to my surprise, the tall one arrived right after her. (That should have been my first clue.) They bust out my new collar and leash and we hop in the car. ...SWEET! We're going to the park!

We drive through the neighborhood and I can just smell it getting closer and closer. It's time to make one last turn before getting to the park when the tall one goes THE OTHER DIRECTION. ...Oh, no. Where the heck are we going?!

He parked the car in front of PetSmart, but at this point, I'm a little confused since we were just there yesterday and bought stuff. I chose to constantly whine to show my frustration. They brought me inside and we started looking at a pen full of dogs and their owners with some lady telling the humans what to do. ...Oh, crap. I think they're taking me to school.

I was so relieved when we finally left and did not enter into the pen of doom. They keep talking about it though, so I need to figure out a way to change their minds. Let me know if you have any suggestions...


Norm said...

Your people must think you are pretty dumb if they are going to force you to go back to school. I graduated at the top of my class when I was just a puppy. No more school for me...

Katie said...
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Katie said...

I think Norm is exaggerating a bit. He was not top of his me. We were forced to sit behind a screen one week because he wouldn't stop barking. In his defense, he was egged on by another dog. In any case, he did receive a certificate of participation. :)