Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fit and Trim

We've been running more and more and I'm happy to report that I'm feeling much more fit and trim. The paws have toughened up a bit and I can keep up with the tall one with ease now. He started doing something when I take him running recently. Instead of holding onto his leash, he tucked it in the side of his shorts. This is nice because it doesn't bounce as much and annoy me, but I was pretty impressed. He stays right by my side and doesn't ever pull on the leash at all. He gets smarter all the time.

Tonight I gave his knees and ankles a break and had him to ride his bike. It was getting dark and rainy when he got home so he rode on the trainer in the basement under my watchful eye...

1 comment:

Norm said...

Your tall person looks really familiar. Is he that Lance Armstrong guy?

It's nice that your people take you out for exercise. These days, my exercise comes mostly from standing up and moving away from Lily.