All in all, it's been good. December has been so busy that I haven't had much time to stop and write. The tall one was on TV again, so he thinks he's pretty cool. I don't know what the big deal is, but I'll post this pic to humor him...

Christmas was good, as usual. Here's a pic of me guarding the presents under the tree one night. Just as it was being snapped, I was distracted by a noise I heard outside, but my awesome growling scared them off.
The short one also interrupted me with the camera while I was enjoying my presents. I don't get any privacy around here!
Speaking of me being awesome...I have a great story to tell. During the big snow a few weeks ago, the tall one let me outside to scope things out. As soon as he opened the door, I detected a squirrel scent in the air. I jetted out into the yard and stomped on the snow-drunken squirrel but had to stop suddenly when the tall one yelled my name. Just as I turned around to see what the heck he wanted and why he was bothering me during this important task, the fat squirrel scurried out from underneath me. I was so close! Stupid humans. We could have shared a tasty meal together, but he had to go and ruin it.

Here's a picture of me when we went out to hunt --- I mean play --- in the snow. The dangerous beasts in the yard next to my house came out to try and eat the owners. I put out the vibe and scared them off...

Then I took the owner around the block for a walk...

I had to show him how to do everything, he didn't even know how to shovel a driveway.

Then I stomped the owner, reminding him once again who really leads this pack...

After a good "owner stomping", this is what I look like.