Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bad Attitude

I'm ready to admit it. I've had a bad attitude. For the past six months, the little one has been dominating the attention around here and I'm starting to see why. Don't get me wrong, I still don't want that thing to touch me, but he's started to get my attention with interesting new smells and things to taste. I've managed to touch him (on my terms) a few times, but still turn my back on him and walk away when he tries to reach out to me. I do enjoy it when he drools all over the place though because I'm right there to help clean up anything I can so the short one has less work to do in the day. He seems to enjoy eating, so that's a bonus for me. He's not feeding himself just yet but I know it's coming...and so will the food on the floor. Right now, he's into Cheerios but can't quite seem to get them in his mouth yet. The short one breaks them in half for him, so it's hard to find any if they do get dropped down to me. Man, I can't wait for him to grow up like Norm's little one...she feeds me right from her chair!

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