SWEET! I smell another camping trip in the midst.
A couple weekends ago, I took the tall and short one camping with Norm's people, Chris, and Kristin who rides bikes with the tall one. I proudly strutted my stuff around the campsite, knowing that they had complete trust in me. I'm not sure why they would be concerned though...there's no good reason for me to go run off since they have so many great things to eat. Besides, I had to make sure I stuck around to protect them, since they dumbly just sat around a fire and talked -- completely oblivious to any of their surroundings and creatures in the woods. Occasionally, I got up to check things out and since I'm so dark and stealthy, they couldn't find me. I think I'm going to have to get a light to wear so they don't worry.
I've heard that we'll be camping again this weekend with Matt, Kennedy & Cade. Should be fun; I've never camped with kids before. It's a good thing the short one bought a new ginormous tent because we should all be able to share it. I may have to use the
pet den this time though...unless I just push the tall one off of his bed. Hmm, that's something I'll have to consider...