Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Canine University Day 4 and 5, etc.

Because of Memorial Day we covered two weeks worth of material in just one action-packed evening. We did a lot of walking around cones, stopping, and restarting. Whoopdy-freakin'-do... I chose not to comply with the short one. I'm not really sure why, it just felt right. They've got me doing a new thing, it's quite liberating actually. They are telling me to stand, instead of just sitting and lying down. This is interesting because it pretty much goes against everything they've ever taught me, but I really love treats, so I'll do whatever. I was also able to express my disgust for any type of dog bedding. I refused to lie down on a big, smelly, hairy dog pillow. I'll lie on the cold, hard concrete thank you very much.

Now I'll share with you some other things we've done lately...

There was a baby Robin that jumped the nest last week. I got a great picture of it, choosing not to eat it, but to let it thrive in the wilderness of our backyard.

On Monday, we loaded up the car and I moped a bit at first since I thought they were either taking me to the vet or class (since that's the only place they take me these days)...

To my surprise, we turned toward Castlewood Park (among my favorites). Eventually I figured out that we would see some really great views and take in a little Meramec River goodness.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Canine University Day 3 & Stuff

Both humans left together this morning, which is unusual, but when the short one came home after work, the tall one was nowhere to be seen. Not cool. Shorty is watching the baseball game right now and commented how lucky the tall one is to see such a great game...I heard her say the Cardinals are beating the Dodgers, 8-1, in the bottom of the 6th. I'm not sure what that all means, but I'm pretty sure it's good, and I'm pretty sure the tall one must be at the game. Man, I wish he'd just come home!

Anyway, back to my night at school. I figured I'd better take advantage of the short one since the tall one is M.I.A. tonight. They kept trying to get me to do a bunch of stuff I already knew, so I chose to be severely distracted and distant, choosing only to "sit" when I darn well felt like it. I played the pity card numerous times and anxiously looked toward the door, as if to imply that I was looking for Tall Boy. The teacher fell for it every time and excused my unruly behavior. She even laughed a few times. Humans are awesome! They're so gullible.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Canine University Day 2

First off, I'm a chick magnet...

I took the owners to Qdoba, a mexican Subway, and while the short one was inside ordering the food, I took the tall one for a walk along the strip mall. Whilst strolling, two chicks stopped me and demanded that they be allowed a thorough petting. This was alright by me, but the tall one kept ruining the whole thing by reminding these hotties that the short one was inside getting the food... so much for that.

School was boring, basically an extension of what I taught them last week. I made sure to run to the correct person each time I told them to call me. We did some "heel" commands, where I stop the walkee and restart them a couple times, with a turn thrown in for good measure.

I also met a new dog friend (sort of). His name is Buster, and he is a Hurricane Katrina dog. He's a little mixed up, for two reasons:
  1. He doesn't really know for sure what breed he is. He's got Cattle Dog spots on his back, but he looks like Norm in the face (which is it buddy?)
  2. He thinks it's OK to sniff me.
More later...