Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Walk in the Frozen Wet Stuff

So today I took the owners for a walk. Since they have opposable thumbs, I had them bring the camera to document the event for my new blog.

First, I wanted to demonstrate my blinding speed, the camera can't even focus on me. That little red leash isn't going to last long if I keep moving like this.

Here, you can see my excellent directional skills. You can see my owner is clearly lost. I, on the other hand, have everything under control and am ready to head back to the homestead. Can you believe they don't even give me shoes to wear in this nasty stuff? Unbelievable...

And finally, this is a great example of what I do best. To the untrained, human eye, it looks like I'm just standing by a tree looking at nothing and being creepy. In reality, there are invisible evil doggy forces that I am staring down and intimidating until they come under my control. It's a good thing I'm here, I don't know what my owners would do without me. Oh yeah, this is a great sniffing tree, I think there are literally thousands of dogs that use these facilities. And contrary to what my owners say, I don't pee like a girl, it's just the retro-skill way to go. If they knew anything about what's in and what's not, they'd know that...

1 comment:

Norm said...

Your people seem quite skilled at walking. My people are rather clueless. I have to walk several feet in front of them and drag them in the right direction.

- Norm